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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Waterfront South Theatre on the rise

Thank you to Margie Silvante, Director of the Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia and Karen Delossi, Assistant Director who visited the theatre last week for a tour. This week we are welcoming John McEwen, head of the NJ Theatre Alliance who we will be showing off our new theatre this coming Wednesday. Waterfront South Theatre needs to be a centerpiece for the redevelopment in our neighborhood and we appreciate the interest of these theatre leaders in continuing our development. Please purchase a season pass online and come see what all of the excitement is about in Camden. Camden will will save us!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Season Passes on Sale today!

For the first time, SCTC is offering a season pass. For only $48 dollars you can but a seat to all FOUR productions this year. Please go on our website and purchase your pass. We have such an exciting season for you as "The past, in the present, is our future" comes to life at the brand new Waterfront South Theatre. There are many options for you to select and you can pick the dates you want to attend online. We look forward to our biggest season ever with your help. And, if you haven't done so as of yet, please become our friend on FACEBOOK. We will keep you constantly updated on all of the exciting things to come. Heal Camden!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brian Dennehy Visits Waterfront South Theatre and South Camden Theatre Company

This past Tuesday Tony Award and Golden Globe Award winning actor and film star Brian Dennehy came to the new Waterfront South Theatre for a personal tour. He was truly impressed by the new space as well as Heart Of Camden's ability to get it built in such trying times. He is a true gentleman and incredible actor and he shared stories with us of his friend the late William Hickey (his long
time friend, great actor and acting coach)as they did theatre together in New York in the 1970's and 80's as well as stories of his success in the plays of Eugene O'Neill over the years. Having Brian visit us was an incredible honor and thanks tare due to our board member Tom Erhardt as well as Msgr. Mike Mannion who made it possible. Come out this fall and see what all of the excitement is about. A theatre is about to rise in Waterfront South. Heal Camden!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Patco Meeting This Thursday - Light rail for Waterfront South!

There will be a new light rail line connecting Camden to Glassboro, NJ. The line will cross Ferry Avenue three blocks above Broadway and four blocks from the theatre. A new stop at that location would allow people to take a train to Waterfront South and leave you just blocks from our new theatre meaning a person in New York who wanted to come to a play in Camden can board at Penn Station and arrive in our own neighborhood for just a few dollars. This Thursday, May 6th, you have a chance to tell DRPA -PATCO that we need to be a destination on the new line in Waterfront South. Please come to the meeting at:

Place: Camden County College
Broadway and Cooper Street
Time: 5:30PM.

Your voice CAN be heard! If enough people come we will definitely make an impact. If you need transportation to the meeting you can call Clarence Bagwell at 609-315-2565 or Marianna at 856-614-1052

Please come. Waterfront South is rising and a train stop on the new line is vital. See you there.