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Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Fantastic Level and the Realistic Level are the two levels upon which we live.

"The Fantastic Level and the Realistic Level are the two levels upon which we live." Tennessee Williams, [through Shannon] plainly explains life as he sees it.  I am proud to say that we at SCTC can tie those two worlds together nicely.  The realistic world that surrounds us in Camden is a world that has gone through trying times.  Times of riots and abandonment, tears and crime.  However, through the art of theatre, the talent of our cast and crew and the generosity of many, this "realistic" level has managed to rise to the "fantastic" level. I can only invite you to come to Waterfront South to see these levels connect.  Come to SCTC and be transported to the Mexican coast in 1940 as Tennessee Williams' "Night of the Iguana" roars to life six more times starting tomorrow night.  Witness the connection of levels as art continues to save us and be the cure for the "realistic" problems we leave at the door at 4th and Jasper when we enter the "Fantastic" world of theatre.  This is an amazing play and Tenn could not have described SCTC's entire existence better.  See you there.

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