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Friday, December 31, 2010

The Great Work HAS Begun

I have used Tony Kushner's incredible quote, "The great work begins", from "Angels In America: Millennium Approaches" as the mantra of this company from the very beginning of this journey. As I sit here on the last day of 2010 I look back on a year that brought a dream to fruition....the christening of a new theatre in Camden. A new theatre anywhere in the world is a reason to celebrate but this one, sharing a zip code with some of our poorest of neighbors in the country, brings us a true triumph. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of our journey so far. We will continue to bring the most professional theatre possible to the corner of 4th and Jasper. I don't think that Tony would mind that in this one case we adjust his quote. "The great work HAS begun".

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