Looking out onto the harbor in Provincetown one can see 50-60 small sailboats tied to their moorings. These boats, unmoored were taken by the winds of summer but are now tied down, empty... appearing frustrated against the sea whipped waves of the oncoming fall. And somehow this brings me to Tennessee Williams. His having to work International Shoe Company in St Louis frustrated and upset him to no end. It is everywhere in his work and led to some of his greatest creations. He was a vessel that needed to be free to create and sail his own ocean. And...thanks to "Glass Menagerie"..written here in Provincetown...it happened. My wish today is for all of us who are frustrated by our day job moorings find the freedom that Tennessee found in the winds of success and that we find our ocean breezes that pushes us to our potential as writers and artists. Tenn X Ten is coming.....
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